A recent report- Assuring the U.S. Department of Defense a Strong Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Workforce - released by the National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council concludes that the ability of the nation’s military to prevail during future conflicts, and fulfill missions, humanitarian and other; depends on a robust and advancing STEM capability.
But in actuality, the STEM activities of the Department of Defense (DOD) are a small and diminishing part of the nation’s overall science and engineering enterprise.
See more here:
Shortage of STEM Workers: Security Policies are Partially at Fault
Friday, November 30, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
The sisterhood myth: The dirty little gender secret women don’t like to face
I’m about to betray my gender. That’s how many
women will perceive this post. Betrayal. But it’s time to shed some light AND
TRUTH in hopes that airing the dirty laundry will bring a healthy look at an
important topic. (Please read the hyperlinks I have attached if you think I am alone in this view.)
I need to
point out something from the start. This post is not pointed toward ALL women.
My comments and remarks are not an indictment of every woman. But I am seeking to dispel the glorified myth
that women ALWAYS take care of or care about other women. The hard, cold, fact
is that MOST women care very little for other women and don’t hesitate to step
over another woman to get ahead- whether it is for a job or a man.
One of the lies many women tell themselves, and
portray to the world, has to do with the concept of a sisterhood among women.
It is an absolute deception and illusion. It honestly doesn’t exist. Another lie is that we have each other’s
backs. Again, a fantasy. In most cases, the only thing a woman has
regarding another woman’s back is the knife she is about to insert in it. Sound extreme? Trust me, it isn’t.
In recent news, there have been examples of
young, attractive, females poaching older and powerful men. Anyone who
thinks this is not a common, everyday, occurrence needs to get out of
fantasyland. You might be surprised to
know about those dating sites which strictly cater to married people. The
statistics bear out that women are about even with men in the infidelity
department, so there is certainly equal opportunity for cheaters.
For every heartwarming story of women doing for other women, and don’t get me wrong- they DO EXIST and should be noted and congratulated for their good works; there are also terrible, sickening, stories of women BULLYING, abusing and harassing other WOMEN! Read this blog post written by a prominent person who only goes by her first name. (You may be able to figure it out, but if
not, I will tell you if you ask.)
Like most stereotypes and myths, there are
instances of truth and some women are very concerned about other women, but in
my experience, the bad far outweighs the good.
I feel it is time to clear the air and dispel the myth because women are
hurt by it. They have an expectation that women “out there” are looking out for
them and they need a reality check.
Ladies- please stop pretending that you actually give a damn about ALL WOMEN. It’s okay to say that you dislike many of the
women you encounter and that you feel no sense of allegiance or loyalty to
them! It’s better to admit the truth and get it out in the open than to
continue to dupe people, especially other women, into thinking that you give a
damn about them.
If this fantasy sisterhood actually existed, how
would we explain the following?
1. Women who actively and aggressively pursue and
attempt to “steal” the affections of other women’s boyfriends or husbands.
2. The women who engage in epic gossiping,
sniping, criticism, and character assassination of other women.
3. The petty, childish, snide, rude, comments women make about one another. GROWN WOMEN who should have better things to do
with their time.
5. The competitive bitchiness related to other
women’s life choices, child rearing, husbands, clothes, cars, homes,
appearance, body shape, and many other things.
6. Women who, seeking to be more like men, use any opportunity to be ruthless, intimidating, cruel, and thoughtless, but
usually target other women because they are easy prey.
7. The distorted and harsh perception that any
woman who doesn’t agree with them 100% is either a pawn of the men in her life,
or a simple and ignorant pawn of _______fill in the blank____.
8. Women who blame every bad thing in the world
on men and resent any woman who doesn’t agree with as a traitor to her sex.
9. Female family members who abuse or ignore their brothers’ wives, their daughter-in-laws, their sister-in-laws, etc ., for
whatever dysfunctional reasons. Ganging
up on another woman is never cool.
10. Last but not least, women use other women to
build them up and make them feel good about themselves, and all the while, they
refuse to do anything to help another woman succeed.
Many women like to pretend that somehow our
gender is kinder, gentler, and more compassionate. Perhaps this was once true,
but now it is a half-truth. I will put it this way- when we are good, we are
very, very, good- when we are bad we are horrid.
I always
say that if you have a good female boss, you are truly blessed because they can
be the best of the best. BUT, if you have a bad female boss, God help you. I have experienced both sides of that coin in
my career. I have been INCREDIBLY fortunate to have some excellent,
professional, generous, fair, balanced, and brilliant female bosses, and they
I have also been cursed to have had to work for
the unstable, unprofessional, ignorant, and toxic women. THEY probably don’t know who they are,
because they are deluded and unable to have insight into their pathological
“leadership” style.
And when you are the object of an abusive woman,
disappointment doesn’t even begin to cover the feeling. It is a betrayal
because we have been brought up to believe that our fellow females would
somehow have our back. GET RID OF THAT LIE and you may be able to survive the
The point of this discussion is NOT to bash women. It is a call to action, a wakeup call, a true and honest desire for change.
To believe that women can’t be sexist or biased
towards other women is ignorant and a denial of reality. We scream like holy hell when men are cruel,
biased, or toxic towards women, but we often feel we must ignore or cover when
women do it to us. We feel we must suffer silently and accept the toxic
females’ rage, scapegoating and even racial bias because they are- women. It
shouldn’t matter what gender an abuser is- ABUSE IS ABUSE!
A tyrannical boss, regardless of gender, is an
outrage and intolerable liability risk to the organization which is employing
people. For that reason, quotas are completely absurd if the whole point is to
employ women in leadership position. The sick irony of the female boss abusing
other females is more common than many people understand.
In summation- WOMEN, wake up! Don’t assume that
female co-worker, or boss, or girl friend really gives a damn about you JUST
BECAUSE you are both women. Women have the capacity for all the things we
accuse men of, and are even better at some of them! Equality covers the good,
the bad, and the ugly.
If you believe in the equality of the sexes it is fair to expect that women can be equally unkind as men towards other women. I hope this is the wake up call that will call women to act against the abusive and toxic women in their own lives. STOP
making excuses for them, and stop pretending it doesn’t exist.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Email Monitoring Could Increase in Wake of Petraeus Scandal
In the past two weeks, the media has inundated the public with articles and blogs which highlight the risks associated with social networking. If one of the highest ranking general officers, and the head of the top intelligence agency in the nation, was able to somehow lose sight of the critical nature of information security, where does that leave all the major departments within the federal government?
Even if no security breaches occurred as a result of former CIA Director David Petraeus’ extramarital affair his theoretical belief that he could keep the affair private – and use email exchanges to do so – exemplifies a lack of judgment. (It’s widely held in intelligence circles that having an affair isn’t necessarily a career ender – but trying to keep it private from your spouse and supervisors is certainly an issue).
See more here:
Email Monitoring Could Increase in Wake of Petraeus Scandal
Even if no security breaches occurred as a result of former CIA Director David Petraeus’ extramarital affair his theoretical belief that he could keep the affair private – and use email exchanges to do so – exemplifies a lack of judgment. (It’s widely held in intelligence circles that having an affair isn’t necessarily a career ender – but trying to keep it private from your spouse and supervisors is certainly an issue).
See more here:
Email Monitoring Could Increase in Wake of Petraeus Scandal
Saturday, November 17, 2012
A great article about my father's first time voting for a U.S. president in November 2012
"I Voted My Heart" An article from the Alexandria Gazette newspaper
First-time voter for president waited long time to perform his civic duty.
Alexandria — Nov. 6, 2012 was an important day for 74-year-old Pablo A. Rodriguez. He dressed himself up in a grey suit and a white shirt in the morning, then went to Agudas Achim Congregation with his son-in-law and grandson to cast his ballots. After voting, Rodriguez went outside the polling place and took a picture of himself pointing at the “I voted” button on his chest.
First-time voter for president waited long time to perform his civic duty.
Alexandria — Nov. 6, 2012 was an important day for 74-year-old Pablo A. Rodriguez. He dressed himself up in a grey suit and a white shirt in the morning, then went to Agudas Achim Congregation with his son-in-law and grandson to cast his ballots. After voting, Rodriguez went outside the polling place and took a picture of himself pointing at the “I voted” button on his chest.
This was the first time that Rodriguez could be able to vote for a U.S. president. He waited for this day for half a century.
“I was really excited because it was my first time,” Rodriguez said. “And I voted my heart.”
Rodriguez was born in Havana, Cuba. It’s a beautiful place where 300 days of a year are sunny, he recalls. When the Cuba Revolution broke out, he was a freshman studying medicine. Later, Rodriguez’s school was shut down as the situation became worse. His father decided to let him go to Washington, D.C. to stay with his brother for a while. In February 1958, 19-year-old Rodriguez left his country.
See more of the article here: http://www.alexandriagazette.com/news/2012/nov/15/i-voted-my-heart/
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Shared Workspaces Growing More Popular in Government Offices
Want to save money? Eliminate high-cost government office space.
A White House mandate to reduce federal office space has caused several government agencies to look to creative and cost-effective solutions for solving workspace issues.
The goal of successfully reducing costs, as well as a focus on increasing budgets cuts for federal workspaces, keep government officials moving toward more innovative means of housing their workforce and utilizing other options- including workstation sharing and increased telework.
See more here:
Shared Workspaces Growing More Popular in Government Offices
A White House mandate to reduce federal office space has caused several government agencies to look to creative and cost-effective solutions for solving workspace issues.
The goal of successfully reducing costs, as well as a focus on increasing budgets cuts for federal workspaces, keep government officials moving toward more innovative means of housing their workforce and utilizing other options- including workstation sharing and increased telework.
See more here:
Shared Workspaces Growing More Popular in Government Offices
British Intelligence Looking for a Few Good Gamers
It seems all those hours spent on video games weren’t a waste of time after all.
A recent announcement by British Foreign Secretary William Hague stated that up to one hundred young gamers are being recruited by government agencies to train for jobs related to cyber security issues. It seems that 18 year old “Generation Xbox” recruits, and their gamer skills, are more valuable to the mission than their contemporaries with college degrees. The name of the program the new program is the Single Intelligence Account Apprenticeship.
Once chosen to participate, they will be placed in a two year program with curriculum in software, web and telecommunications, as well as communications, security and engineering.
See more here:
British Intelligence Looking for a Few Good Gamers
A recent announcement by British Foreign Secretary William Hague stated that up to one hundred young gamers are being recruited by government agencies to train for jobs related to cyber security issues. It seems that 18 year old “Generation Xbox” recruits, and their gamer skills, are more valuable to the mission than their contemporaries with college degrees. The name of the program the new program is the Single Intelligence Account Apprenticeship.
Once chosen to participate, they will be placed in a two year program with curriculum in software, web and telecommunications, as well as communications, security and engineering.
See more here:
British Intelligence Looking for a Few Good Gamers
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Federal Government Puts Squeeze on Local Hotel and Conference Industry
This has been a devastating year for the conference industry in Washington, D.C., with the federal government dramatically slashing spending on hotels, conference centers, and related expenses. If that wasn’t tough enough for an already startled industry, more and more contractors have taken the government’s lead to heart and followed suit.
Many local businesses are wondering how hotels and conference venues will survive this shift in policy and attitudes. The abrupt fallout from recent fiscal scandals has put all government agencies on alert, reducing funding for conferences.
See more here:
Federal Government Puts Squeeze Local Hotel and Conference Industry
Many local businesses are wondering how hotels and conference venues will survive this shift in policy and attitudes. The abrupt fallout from recent fiscal scandals has put all government agencies on alert, reducing funding for conferences.
See more here:
Federal Government Puts Squeeze Local Hotel and Conference Industry
Sunday, November 4, 2012
To Vote or not to Vote, that is the question: The answer is VOTE!
On November 6,
2012, U.S. citizens will vote for the next president, as well as some state and
local offices. Joining them, will be my father who will cast his first vote for
a United States president. Talk about a big day in a 74 year old, Cuban-born,
person’s life! (It isn’t his first time
voting, as he has enthusiastically voted in every local election since becoming
a citizen in March of 2009.)
It’s exciting to
think that someone would care enough to participate in the electoral process
after a lifetime of not doing so. It is a great lesson for those who are too_
whatever_ not to vote, to know of someone who is inspired and concerned enough
to want to actively participate in a process that often is viewed cynically and
without any fanfare. If your RIGHT TO VOTE seems mundane or pointless, you may need
to live in a country where people lack that ability and absorb the preciousness
of that right.
It is hard to believe that some people will not
exercise their right to participate in this important process. The reasons go
from unacceptably lame to understandably unacceptable. And yes, I realize that
two, or even three, candidates can’t possibly appeal to every person in the
country; and as with marriage or most relationships, there is always SOMETHING
about the person you just don’t like. But, that isn’t the point. The point is -
VOTING is a civic duty and a responsibility that too many people take for
Here’s a little explanation of voting in more
academic terms:
In a democracy,
a government is chosen by voting in an election: a way for an electorate to
elect, i.e. choose, among several candidates for rule. In a representative
democracy voting is the method by which the electorate appoints its
representatives in its government.
A vote is a
formal expression of an individual's choice in voting, for or against some motion
(for example, a proposed resolution), for a certain candidate, a selection of
candidates, or a political party. A secret ballot has come to be the practice
to prevent voters from being intimidated and to protect their political privacy.
Voting usually takes place at a polling station; it is voluntary in some
countries, compulsory in others, such as Argentina, Australia, Belgium and Brazil. – Wikipedia
WOW! That last
line! In some countries, voting is compulsory? Imagine that! In my
humble, or not so humble opinion, those countries have the right idea. In our
great nation, we have SO MUCH FREEDOM; we even have the freedom to NOT exercise
one of the most important rights we possess. Now that’s something.
I don’t presume
to tell anyone how they should vote. That is just as bad as telling someone “who
or what” they should pray to, or who they should marry, or how they should live
their lives. It defeats the purpose of, wait for it…FREEDOM. You see where I am going with this. It isn’t
that I want to tell anyone how they should vote, because that isn’t for
me to say. I respect, even if I disagree with, another person’s choices. I may
not understand it, like it, or even think it is a good idea, but it isn’t my
job, my place, or my decision to decide for them.
To be 100%
honest, I don’t like politics or most politicians. I have my own personal
reasons and frankly, it isn’t party-based or even about many of the
individuals. I find the whole business very divisive and polarizing. Politics
has become MEAN-SPIRITED, cruel, dehumanizing, and theatrical. It makes my head
hurt. And in a 24/7 news world, the spin and hype can become overwhelmingly
depressing. Most of the coverage isn’t about real issues, it is aboutpersonalities and an endless stream of pundits and talking heads and controversial
“radio personalities” who just want higher ratings. It is exhausting. It makes
many people really crazy. Seriously, crazy.
I realize politics is big business. I
understand the whole campaign industry and view much of it with cynicism and
loathing, BUT I take democracy very seriously, and since the political process,
as flawed as it may be, it the vehicle that produces our democracy and precious
freedoms (hopefully), I accept and embrace it. Our process isn’t perfect, but
it certainly beats many of the alternatives.
This coming
Tuesday, my family will be celebrating OUR RIGHT to vote, even more than who
wins the election. My father’s exercise of his civic duty, and his belief in
the democratic process under the Constitution, is far more important to me than
which candidate is chosen by the majority of the American people. I know that
may seem hard to believe, but it is true. Presidents come and presidents go.
There are always going to be disappointed people after Election Day. That’s how
it goes. But the day after the election, we are all still Americans, and
democracy will still be alive and well.
So get out there
and exercise your right to vote. Many people around the world have, or would
have, died to have it.